Heliox Ventilation

Heliox has been used in a medical context since the 1930s, and was first introduced as a possible treatment for cardiopulmonary disease in 1935. Although the medical community adopted its use initially to alleviate the symptoms of upper airway obstruction, its range of medical uses has since expanded greatly, most of which are dependent on the low density of the gas. Recent increased interest in Heliox has stimulated new, worldwide research.

Heliox provides a more laminar flow through a fixed orifice (ET-tube) or around an obstruction in difficult ventilator patients because Heliox is only one-seventh as dense as nitrogen. It also has higher diffusion coefficient ts, allowing faster diffusion of air and O2. Further, Heliox has no adverse pharmacologic properties; its only purpose is to lower the airway resistance.

Replacing nitrogen with helium as the carrier gas for oxygen has been found to facilitate better ventilation, especially in obstructive patients. Outcome data for something like Heliox will require significantly larger numbers of patients than have currently been studied, but this has not daunted many serious researchers. This is due to the significant improvement clinicians have seen at the bedside in patients failing other forms of supportive care.

Further, there is a large body of data available showing the cardio-respiratory beneficial effects of Heliox. The respiratory effects include reduced work of breathing, reduced peak and mean airway pressures, reduced intrinsic PEEP and dynamic hyperinflation, improved oxygenation, improved carbon dioxide clearance, reduced atelectasis and reduced inflammatory cell infiltration.

The Cardiovascular effects include increased cardiac index, decreased right atrial pressure, increased pulse pressure and pressure variations as well as increased pulmonary blood flow1.

Delivering Heliox with most of today's ICU ventilators is simply not possible. eVent Medical's Inspiration® Ventilator utilizes a revolutionary gas blending and delivery system with very accurate patient monitoring. Simply choose Heliox in place of standard medical air, and sophisticated software algorithms compensate for the different gas density.

All modes, monitored values, and alarms continue to be available. Delivered volumes, spirometry, FIO2 and alarms are all unaffected, ensuring patient comfort and safety.

Whether you wish to deliver Heliox through an ET-tube or via face mask, delivery of Heliox ventilation with eVent Medical's Inspiration ventilator is easy. Simply tell the ventilator that you are utilizing Heliox in place of air and all controls and settings act as they normally do.


eVent Medical | Heliox Monitoring

Settings and Ranges



All modes available

Vt Setting:


40 - 2000 ml

Helium Concentration:


0 - 80%

O2 Concentration:


21 - 100%

Support & Maintenance

Comprised mostly of respiratory therapists, our clinical and technical teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


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