eVent Medical's Inspiration (infant to adult) ventilators are versatile and high performance, designed with the clinician in mind. The patented Swiss pneumatic design provides outstanding breath delivery and patient synchrony. Users find exceptional value in the clinician-friendly, touch-screen graphic user interface; comprehensive graphics monitoring and trending software; ease of transport and simple preventive maintenance.

"We market the Inspiration line of infant through adult ventilators with the most aggressive warranty and preventative maintenance programs in the industry," says Lucky Heeley, VP Sales & Marketing. "The Inspiration is truly recognized for its lowest cost of maintenance, and we are looking forward to increasing training opportunities for our products to take place at our headquarters in beautiful San Clemente, CA. Our focus as a company this year and next is the US marketplace, and we have increased our sales coverage domestically. Our goal is to duplicate the same level of success that we see in the international marketplace."

The expansion allows eVent Medical to further its mission of providing innovation and value to the clinical community, worldwide.

For more information about eVent Medical, visit www.event-medical.com or call 949-492-8368 (VENT).


Inspiration Series

Introducing: The next generation of Inspiration® ventilators.

Inspiration Ventilators  

Inspiration 7iInspiration VentilatorsFlagship
View Product

 Inspiration 7i – 17"
View Product


eVolution Series

eVolution® Ventilators, a new paradigm in ventilator design.

eVolution 3e Ventilators eVolution 3e Ventilators

eVolution 3e Ultra
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eVolution 3e
View Product


CliniNet Virtual Report Viewing System

The unique CliniNet® interface and CliniNet Virtual Report viewing system brings centralized, real-time data and patient management to the entire care team.

  CliniNet Virtual Report  

CliniNet Virtual Report View Product


Support & Maintenance

Comprised mostly of respiratory therapists, our clinical and technical teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Our Warranty

Extended Warranties are available; contact your nearest Sales Representative for more information.

Sales Inquiries

Contact Via Online Form

+1 949 900 1917


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